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Dara's Big Brother is back with an edgier and INSANE season!


Following ethan's win in DBB:ELEMENTS

15 paitients will enter the madhouse!

within this chaotic environment they will fight for power and supplies to stay in the madhouse. a big twist this season is "genetic testing"! IN GROUPS OF 2 the paitientS will enter the testing room In hopes of recieving a treatment. however Only one paitient within the two will get it. the two paitients will face off in a special competition and the winner will recieve the treatment and an advantage in the game. But each paitient will react differently to the testing due to their various different blood types. The loser unfortunetly heads to the chamber where they must face a punishment and complete it in a certain amount of time. by the end of the season only one paitient will claim the title of dara's big brother 2: madhouse!

This season will be packed with twisted secrets as the paitients unfold the dark secrets that lie behind the madhouse.
















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